Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Random Toughts by Jack Handey

Ha. I wish! Sorry to disappoint, but the random thoughts are actually my own. But remember "Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey on SNL? Those were the best.

"I hope if dogs ever take over the world, and they chose a king, they don't just go by size, because I bet there are some Chihuahuas with some good ideas."


So apparently IKEA has this great cure for impulse buying... see first they put these big signs on the couch we want advertising how it's marked down $100 from what it cost last year. So we measure it and decide that if we rearrange our entire apartment, we might just be able to squeeze it in there. Then we sit on it and it is like heaven, especially when you compare it to the completely uncomfortable futon we currently have. So even though it probably won't fit that well and that it is several hundred dollars more than we planned to spend, we decide we WANT this couch. So we go talk to the IKEA rep about shipping costs, etc. Well, as it turns out, it comes in 3 boxes so we probably can just use John's truck and don't need to pay extra for shipping. Wow this just keeps getting better and better! And then...he tells us they don't actually have any in stock. They won't have any in stock for...well...he's not exactly sure but we can reserve one when they new stock arrives and they will call us to come get it. And now, two weeks later, I'm starting to get used to the futon again. Dammit, IKEA! I was ready to buy that overpriced, oversized couch right then and there! Well, actually, I think I still want the couch, but at least I've had plenty of time to think about how I don't actually NEED the couch.

Okay I have more random thoughts but I'll save them for later because I'm tired of typing for now.