Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I'm bored and stuck at home

Four jobs I’ve had
1. Office Assistant
2. PR Intern
3. Work-Study in Towers
4. Receptionist

Four movies I can watch over and over
1. Bridget Jones
2. Sweet Home Alabama
3. Forrest Gump
4. Clueless

Four places I have lived
2. Brookline
3. Pensacola
4. Los Angeles

Four TV shows I love
1. The OC
2. Greys Anatomy
3. Lost
4. Friends

Four places I’ve vacationed
1. Orlando, FL
2. St. Petes, FL
3. Myrtle Beach, SC
4. Pensacola, FL

Four of my favorite dishes (note: all of these will be gluten free. try them at your own risk)
1. Drunken Noodle
2. Pad Thai (NOT the West Coast version
3. Spicy basil fried rice
4. Burgers on the grill

Four sites I visit daily
1. gmail
2. myspace
4. go fug yourself

Four places I would rather be right now
1. Boston
2. at work (cause that would mean that i'm not too sick to be there, which is sucking)
3. on a beach
4. Boston

Four people I am tagging
1. Linds
2. Mere
3. Steve
4. i dunno anyone else besides F who has a lj/blog :-(


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